26 July 2008

Sentences I try and say... no1

I've been thinking about some the useful seneances I have picked up from books and friends.

Sentances that build my children up or just make more sense to them.

So here goes with my first...

When you have (insert your action request), you/we can do (insert your consequence)

This is such a great sentence, it replaces the "If you do such and such then we'll do such and such" one.

It gives your child the information of what is required, it can give an incentive, and it lets them know the outcome of them complying with the request.

On a personal note, it tends to slow me down when I would really like to shout a request.


Anonymous said...

I like this sentence idea thanks. It;s subtle but I spose the idea is that you're saying a more definite "when" you've done it as opposed to "if". Thats v advanced for me. I'm only just realising that if I ask "shall we do bla?" it leaves the option open for R to say "no thanks". When really I don't mean to ask her at all! I think your suggestion brings me forward 2 steps. I'll let you know how I get on.

By the way. I've tagged you for a fun "6 random things about me". Hope you feel like doing it. If not don't worry! xx